The second on-site meeting of the E-ROUTES team was held on March 24, 2023 in Šibenik. The venue was the City Library “Juraj Šižgorić”.

In the meeting opening, the project coordinator Bogdan Trifunović pointed out the most important tasks for the activity of collection building, especially regarding a recently conducted survey and a possible way of spatial presentation of collections.

Following presentation was given by Bakir Toskić, head of Digital library development department at NUK, entitled “From digitalization to Europeana: introduction to workflow, role of NUK as aggregator and Europeana Content and Metadata Tiers”, that has given to partners a framework for all aspects of digitalization needed for the workflow of the project.

Team member from the MUSA – Musei della Reggia di Portici, Antonello Migliozzi presented about geoinformatics capacities of the institution and possibilities of including an artistic collection about Mount Vesuvius into the project.

The meeting was also attended by Tatjana Brzulović Stanisavljević, the representative of the Univerzitetska Biblioteka Svetozar Markovic which participated in the recently conducted survey and Koraljka Kuzman Šlogar as a memeber of ICARUS Hrvatska community.

During the discussion partners have agreed on following steps regarding the conference proceeding and the future steps in this year for the need of the project. Results of the meeting are the updated working document with specified points of interest for all partners and the guidelines for metadata collecting through activities on the collection building.

E-ROUTES team thanks to the Gradska knjižnica “Juraj Šižgorić” Šibenik for their support and for being an excellent host! 

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