The project’s activities are divided in four major phases, that present the methodology behind the project realization.

  • Phase I – Awareness and collection building – Activities: creation of the project’s website and social networks profiles, organization of a Pan-European survey for identification of the European travel material collections in other countries, organization of an international conference, crowd-sourcing campaign for engaging global audience, selection, classification, metadata description and digitization of selected travel routes material, ingestion of created digital collection into the Europeana portal.
  • Phase II – Cultural exchange and translation – Activities: open call for in-residency program for the European authors and writers, creation of travel routes stories, translation of the most important segments of the selected cultural heritage material and contemporary artistic production related to time travel routes.
  • Phase III – Audience engagement and dissemination – Activities: development of web and mobile applications with augmented reality options, creation of a multilingual exhibition about the project’s objectives and outputs, publication of promotional material including open access e-book about E-ROUTES and new European travel routes.
  • Phase IV – Capacity building and knowledge sharing – Activities: organization of workshops and seminars for professional capacity building in partner countries, participation in professional events organized in other countries, organization of the final international conference for the presentation and peer-evaluation of the project’s results, publication of the conference proceedings.

Following the phases of the project, it is planned to engage GLAM experts experienced in cultural heritage preservation and research, experts in the field of travel literature, contemporary writers of travelogues as well as artists inspired by travel experience, professionals in tourism, etc. The results of the project will have their effect through the phases of project implementation and after the completion of the entire project. Accordingly, the audience of the project will be, although related to the theme of the travel or journey, very diverse in terms of the target groups to which the project addresses.

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