The Time travel routes through Europe (E-ROUTES) team announces a survey about the collections and GLAM holdings relevant to the topic of cultural routes in Europe from the 18th century until nowadays. Its particular focus is on the identification of collections that comprise travelogs, maps, diaries, images, paintings, photos, postcards, and other material under the cultural heritage domain related to present territories of Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, or Serbia, and their neighboring countries. The other layer of interest are authors, writers, artists, and travelers from other countries, who visited mentioned territories in the past or in the more recent period, and left some kind of insights, writings, visual, audio or video recordings.

The survey collects data both from institutions and individuals, but personal names and personal data will not be made public, unless the name of an individual is connected with the name of the collection itself. Collected data will be analyzed and presented, with the consent of respondents, within the E-ROUTES project activities, at the international conference “Enhancing Heritage Experience – Exploring Cultural Routes”, Šibenik, Croatia, 23 – 24 March 2023.

Please take the survey at until February 24, 2023.

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