The E-ROUTES project continues publication of great stories on its blog, about incredible places which can be described as unique blends of natural, historical and cultural heritage at one place. This time we have an excellent blog post about the Island of Pag in Croatia, for which Melanija and Janko Belaj provide text and photos! Read more about the place where the magic of wind and salt creates incredible images, and  find out more about how consuming the cheese of Pag makes you at the same time the consumer of the island’s culture!

The view of St. Vid, the highest peak on the island of Pag (348 meters above sea level), reveals the typical landscape often compared to a lunar scenery.

“One cannot escape from thinking about salt, and salty landscape when visiting Pag Island. Why is that so? Pag Island’s tourism has always advertised its peculiar landscape, but also particular cuisine markers such as Pag cheese, Pag lamb and actual Pag salt. The island is well-known for scarce vegetation in some parts, which are often compared to the Moon’s surface. However, in addition to the scarce landscape with vegetation on the island of Pag, it is possible to find fields of cattail and specific holm oak forests.”

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