We are presenting our residents, selected through the Open Call for the E-ROUTES In-Residency Program in late 2023.
Nikola Popović (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1979) is an Italian literature researcher and Italian language lecturer in the Music Department of the Faculty of Philology and Arts (Kragujevac, Serbia). He has published Serbian translations of Valeria Parrella, Ettore Masina, Simona Vinci, Roberto Saviano and other authors, as well as numerous essays on contemporary Italian prose in Serbia and in Italy. He has authored essays on film, theater and literature, as well as fiction stories inspired by his travels in Italy, Lebanon, Ghana, Togo, Congo, Hungary, Portugal, Switzerland, Czech Republic, United States of America, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia.
He has published the following books: Priče iz Libana (“Stories from Lebanon”), Skice za plovidbu (“Sketches for Sailing”) and San Kosmosa Skaruha (“The Dream of Cosmos Scarooh”). He is the recipient of several literary prizes in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. He was editor–in–chief of the Bosanska vila literary review based in Sarajevo. His work has been translated into English, Macedonian, Hungarian and Portuguese.