
Celebrating the first year of the project's implementation!

E-ROUTES is a three-year Creative Europe project, which officially started on July 1, 2022. Therefore, this June is the time to celebrate our first birthday or more appropriately one of the important milestones in successful implementation of the project: a 12-month progress report. By June 30 we will deliver to the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) the report on what was done for the past year and what have been achieved so far. We believe it was a successful first year, as we also know how dynamic was this 12-month period behind us. If you want to check how the project developed so far, check out our website and published posts, news and blogs here.

What's new?

First E-ROUTES international scientific and professional conference entitled “Enhancing Heritage Experience – Exploring Cultural Routes” was held in Šibenik in the period 22 – 25 March 2023, within the 8th days ICARUS Croatia. The coordinator of the conference was ICARUS Croatia in cooperation with the E-ROUTES project, consortium ICARUS (International Center for Archival Research), the State Archives in Šibenik, DARIAH-HR and other partners. The conference took place in the premises of the “Juraj Šižgorić” City Library and the Civitas Sacra Interpretation Center.

During the 15th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (QQML2023 ), and within a session titled “Empowering Citizen Services with Map/GIS Libraries” chaired by Ifigenia Vardakosta and Stavroula Kouri, E-Routes Project was presented by Jelena Glišović, project’s manager for communication and administration, who held an online presentation. This was an opportunity for the conference participants to get to know about projects’ current and future activities and to learn about possibilities to get involved into E-ROUTES.

The E-ROUTES team is proud to share news about support which the project has got in 2023 from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia! Within the competition of projects that are supported by international funds in 2023, including the Creative Europe program, our project got 450,000 dinars of additional funding that will cover the self-funded part of the project activities in 2023.

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"E-ROUTES: Time travel routes through Europe" is the Creative Europe project co-funded by the European Union (Call: CREA-CULT-2021-COOP), Project number: 101056580, through the the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) as the EU granting authority.

For more information about the project please check the following links:
Concept | Activities | Objectives | Results and goals | Contact

Ministry of Culture of Serbia supports E-ROUTES in 2023

The E-ROUTES team is proud to share news about support which the project has got in 2023 from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia! The Serbian Library Association and the E-ROUTES team thanks the Ministry of Culture for recognizing high quality of projects’ activities so far, similarly as it was in 2022.

Crowdsourcing campaign continues, so contribute :)

Read which city is the lover of the eye

The E-ROUTES blog series was started in February 2023, with the first blog entry from our associated partners from the Prelog library and reading room. In June 2023 a second blog/travelogue entitled "Lover of the Eye" was published, authored by the award-winning Serbian writer Sanja Domazet. This essay about Venice was translated into English by Will Firth. Read this interesting text, as well as Sanja's book of travels "Na kafi sa Šekspirom", which won the award "Ljubomir P. Nenadović" for the best travelogue book in Serbian language in 2022.

"If the profile of Venice is made by the swaying opiate of water, its interior consists of mirrors; as does its memory, since mirrors are unable to forget. Thus, they know no consolation. I remember a mirror that beautified everyone who stood in front of it, that erased the filigree marks of time on human faces and dispelled the halitosis of living matter that breathes, blooms and decays all at once. Visitors stood in front of that mirror for hours, and it embellished their faces in a faint haze of infinity by adding the clemency of Christian icons and the calm, carefree wistfulness of the portraits preserved in Pompeii. The magic was complete: the mirror widened the cheekbones of narrow faces and brought a tipsy ebullience to sad eyes. ‘I come back every year,’ a woman whispered, ‘I’m in love with the one in the mirror.’ ‘What’s the mirror called?’ I asked a guide. ‘Venetian,’ came the curt reply before he vanished into a dark passageway."
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