
An exciting autumn at E-ROUTES!

Hello again from the E-ROUTES team. After a short break, including a summer relaxation following the first year of the project's implementation, which was the main theme of our June 2023 newsletter, it is time to write again about the news regarding our activities. We have news about both online and offline meetings, interesting and inspiring blog story, as well as an open call for a month long residency program for authors in three countries.

What's new?

On September 13, an online meeting of the partners and associated partners of the E-ROUTES project was held via the Zoom platform. Representatives of all four partners and two associated partners were present, discussing the current workflow of the project which included current points of interest, availability of collections, metadata model, digitization activities and issues related to the E-ROUTES blog.

Bogdan Trifunović, as the project coordinator, participated at the unconference held in Brussels on 17 and 18 October, with over 100 other representatives of the Creative Europe funded projects. Read more about why this event, Grant Holders’ Meeting scheduled by the European Commission that aimed to bring together coordinating organisations whose projects have been selected for funding following the 2021 and 2022 calls for proposals, unfortunately was made into an unconference run solely by participants themselves.

On 16th November Open Call for the E-ROUTES In-Residency Program was announced and opened for contemporary authors, writers, artists, and creative individuals in general. This is an unique opportunity for authors from Europe to spend one month in a chosen country (Croatia, Italy or Serbia) in the first half of 2024. This residency program will allow applicants with the best proposals to work on their creative projects of choice in relation to aims of the E-ROUTES project, with all expenses covered! Please read our full announcement on the project's website with all relevant information, including the online application form link, and prepare your project and additional information to submit by 15 December 2023. We are looking forward to your applications!

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"E-ROUTES: Time travel routes through Europe" is the Creative Europe project co-funded by the European Union (Call: CREA-CULT-2021-COOP), Project number: 101056580, through the the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) as the EU granting authority.

For more information about the project please check the following links:
Concept | Activities | Objectives | Results and goals | Contact

Online application form for In-Residency Program

Looking for an opportunity to travel to Italy, Croatia or Serbia, to work on your project of choice regarding travel experiences so that a new story, a travelogue, painting, photo or video recording will be produced and included in travel routes of tomorrow? Then follow this quick link and submit your application by 15 December 2023!

Why a planned event became an unconference?

Due to sad and tragic event of the Brussels terrorist attack and shooting in the centre of city on the evening of 16th October, the European Commission made a decision to cancel the event the following morning, although everything was ready for the two-day event and huge majority of over 220 registered participants of the meeting was present.

Lake Iseo, a cupful of world

The E-ROUTES blog series had been enriched this November, with the third blog post. It is the Iseo lake in Italy story, which has its roots in a summer trip made by Nikola Popović, who also provided great photos. Get inspired with this picturesque story about Iseo lake in Lombardy, translated in English by Uroš Vasiljević. Nikola Popović (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1979) is an Italian literature researcher and Italian language teacher in the Music Department of the Faculty of Philology and Arts (Kragujevac, Serbia). He has published Serbian translations of Ettore Masina, Simona Vinci, Valeria Parrella, and other authors, as well as numerous essays on contemporary Italian prose in Serbia and in Italy. He has authored essays on film, theater and literature, as well as fiction stories inspired by his travels in Lebanon, Ghana, Congo, and other countries.

"When travelling, one’s being swells, ruminating on things it has experienced and read about. Chronicles, tempests, and stormy nights will become stories. There will be years of drought and those of rain, clear mornings, and stormy nights. There will be years of peace and those of war, when princes quarrel, but man is ever the same: all he would do is cross the water to the far bank and spread a cover over his olive grove when it rains. And all he wonders about is whether it will be a good year for his crops.
Everywhere alongside the road there are milestones, the wonders of our world. Over there, on the rocks of Valcamonica, the caveman left his traces: warriors with spear and shield, deer, horses. Birds fly in squadrons, in formations known only to themselves, looking for somewhere to rest on the other side. There are rivers and seas, lakes and islands, that are good for people. To the south is Sicily, the largest island in the Mediterranean, to the north is Monteisola, a small one, in the midst of Lake Iseo. The story is both land and pier, it slakes thirst and reinvigorates like wine, a cupful of world."
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