
At the end of 2024!

The E-ROUTES is back with another newsletter, which covers the period from our previous September 2024 issue. We present news about the fourth on-site team meeting which was organized in Portici, Naples in October 2024, and hosted by our partners MUSA, during the ICARUS 33rd Convention. During the Convention a collaborative work and presentation regarding two digital storytelling platforms was presented by the E-ROUTES team members. We have published the first Announcement and Call for Papers about the International Conference "Transformative Power of Travelling: From Research to Discovery Experience", which will be organized next June in Golubac, Serbia, as the final E-ROUTES project conference. Finally, we've continued to publish interesting travel route stories in our blog. This time it is a very sweet story of Serbian culture and cuisine, about traditional "slatko" sweet fruit preserve. So, enjoy our latest newsletter in 2024! :)

What's new?

The fourth on-site meeting of the E-ROUTES team was held on 16 and 17 October 2024 in Portici, at the Centro Museale "Musei delle Scienze Agrarie" - MUSA venue of the University of Naples “Federico II”. During the two-day meeting the team discussed various topics in relation to overall progress, completed tasks, as well as the future activities according to the project’s timetable. The team also noted the finalization of the digital collection completion and ingestion into the Europeana digital library. We are continuing work on a dedicated web application, which will allow user-friendly and intuitive usage of travel route materials and stories created within the E-ROUTES project. As the meeting coincided with the ICARUS Convention 33 organized in Portici, it was also an opportunity for presenting and promoting E-ROUTES, which logo was visible in the Convention’s materials.

Antonello Migliozi (MUSA) and Bogdan Trifunović (SLA), together with Marco Marotta (Italy) and Nevena Bečanović (Serbia), prepared a presentation within the ICARUS Convention program, which was delivered jointly by Marco and Bogdan on 16th October 2024. The title of the presentation was “New technologies to support GLAM: comparing the potential of two software for Storytelling”, which was a comparison of the ArcGIS Story Maps and Curatescape/Omeka platforms’ storytelling capacities. This topic should be published in 2025 as a research paper by the authors.

We have published the first Announcement and Call for Papers about the International Conference "Transformative Power of Travelling: From Research to Discovery Experience", which will be held in Golubac, Serbia, 5-6 June 2025. The conference, as part of the project, seeks to explore the multifaceted nature of travel as a transformative cultural experience, bridging historical research and contemporary artistic interpretation through the exploration of common intercultural denominators that transverse time and space. Golubac is a beautiful town and popular tourist destination in eastern Serbia, on the banks of Danube which separates it from neighboring Romania. It is 130 km from Belgrade, approximately a two-hour drive by car. Among the beauties of this part of Serbia it is worth mentioning the Danube, which is almost six kilometers wide at that point before entering the Iron Gates Gorge, Đerdap National Park, famous Golubac Fortress, and local cuisine. Please share this information with interested stakeholders and have in mind that the deadline for abstract proposals is 31 January 2025!

E-ROUTES website blog section is enriched with an extraordinary story about Serbian tradition in sweet fruit preserve, which is known as “slatko”, provided by Dr. Lidija Cvetić Vučković, Creative Director of the Museum of Slatko, in Kraljevo (Serbia). Read more about this delicacy made from well-cooked fruit, certain types of vegetables, or edible flower petals in a highly concentrated sugar solution. We are proud that E-ROUTES continues to deliver lesser-known stories that connect culture, tradition and travel routes, for which we are also thankful to our external collaborators and partners.

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"E-ROUTES: Time travel routes through Europe" is the Creative Europe project co-funded by the European Union (Call: CREA-CULT-2021-COOP), Project number: 101056580, through the the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) as the EU granting authority.

For more information about the project please check the following links:
Concept | Activities | Objectives | Results and goals | Contact

E-ROUTES at the ICARUS Convention #33

We present news about the fourth on-site team meeting which was organized in Portici, Naples in October 2024, and hosted by our partners MUSA, during the ICARUS 33rd Convention. During the Convention a collaborative work and presentation regarding two digital storytelling platforms was presented by the E-ROUTES team members. Read more by clicking on the image below...

First Call for Papers: E-ROUTES 2025 Conference

This international gathering of professionals in cultural heritage and cultural tourism domains, artists, academics, researchers, PhD students, will examine travel as a dynamic form of intercultural communication, investigate the intersections of cultural heritage, artistic expression, and travel narratives, and promote dialogue across disciplines, focusing on travel experiences...

Sweet Travelogues – The Unforgettable Taste of Serbia

We present you an extraordinary story about Serbian tradition in sweet fruit preserve, which is known as "slatko", provided by Dr. Lidija Cvetić Vučković, Creative Director of the Museum of Slatko, in Kraljevo (Serbia). Read more about this delicacy made from well-cooked fruit, certain types of vegetables, or edible flower petals in a highly concentrated sugar solution.

"Slatko as a fragment of Serbian hospitality often found itself at the center of attention of both domestic and foreign guests. This special delicacy, “neither compote – nor jam – nor honey”, attracted great attention from travel writers and diplomats who travelled throughout nineteenth-century Serbia on various missions, and even later, when this product became common in our region, it was written about as a rare and precious delicacy for which a traveller’s hand would always carelessly or unknowingly reach at least once more. As they themselves vividly testify, this often happened multiple times until the sweet treat was completely gone. While the queen was talking about the painting, a footman entered the hall with a silver tray carrying a large crystal vessel with that excellent fruit compote that in Serbia they call slatko. The compote was sweeter than honey.
The first woman who independently prepared and served slatko in Serbia was Princess Ljubica, who, as the “supreme housewife” in Ljubičevo, as described by Felix Kanitz: spun wool, kneaded and baked bread, and cooked slatko. Even as a young girl, she served the elderly and infirm, as evidenced by an article by the early deceased Prince Milan M. Obrenović published in the magazine Uranija in 1838 titled “Children, You Too Will Grow Old When the Time Comes”. Her personal qualities helped establish slatko as a significant fragment and symbol of the finest social ideals and national characteristics. It also became part of the official protocol at the Serbian court. Queen Natalija Obrenović taught officials how to properly serve this product, which was presented with special care at the court, as the home of the Obrenović family."
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